The Exform Page 11
and art, 32
negation of, 80, 82
and realism, 73, 79–80
idealism, x–xii
and art, 96
battle against, 7
function of, 21
historical, 33, 39
and materialism, 36
ideological state apparatuses, 16, 21, 44, 65–7, 71, 73, 97
ideology, 23, 25, 74
Althusser on, 44–5, 62, 65–7, 70–1, 73, 80
and art, 68, 72–3, 80, 97
and contemporary art, 73
contemporary art and materiality of, 62
definition of, 44–5, 66
ideological subject, 64
and Manet, 81
and metaphysics, 22
and painting, 80
and phantasmagoria, 73
of pragmatism, 67–8
psychology as by-product of, 63
and realism, 79
and storytelling, 18–9, 21
and subjectivity, 64–6
idiot, 21
internet, 46, 48, 51
Google, 75
Ishaghpour, Youssef, 77
Joyce, James, Ulysses, 27
justice, 62
Kelley, Mike, 7, 48
Klee, Paul, 38
Koester, Joachim, 59, 61
Koons, Jeff, 93
Kracauer, Siegfried, 34, 54
Krauss, Rosalind, 45
Kubler, George, 51
labour, 84
and art, 90, 95
and leisure, 91
Lacan, Jacques, 65
death of, 3
on dissolution of École Freudienne, 1
and madness, 15
and real, 32
and sinthome, 27
and unconscious, 5–6, 26
Leckey, Mark, 60
leisure, 91–2
Lévi-Strauss, Claude, 57
Linhart, Robert, 23
Machiavelli, Niccolo, 35–6
madness, 15–8
genealogy of, 26
and philosophy, 20, 27
and Reason, separation of, 18
Malevich, Kazimir, 29, 82
Manet, Edouard, 81
Mao Zedong, 15, 23
Marty, Eric, 17
Marx, Karl:
Althusser on, 41
on capitalism, 39
and history, 40
on phantasmagoria, 69–71
and realist thinking, x
‘spectral dance’, viii–ix, 70
young vs old, 34
Marxism, for twenty-first-century, xiv
mass line, 22–6
masses, angel of, 30–1, 74
and accident, 38
aleatory, 11–2, 34, 37
Althusser on, 18, 21, 34, 37–8, 81
definition of, 18–9
of encounter, 34
and history, 39
and idealism, 36
materialist historian, 56–7, 60, 70
and reality, 21
and storytelling, 81
The Matrix (movie), 21, 35
May 1968, 6
meaning, anteriority of, 33
Meckseper, Josephine, 59, 61
Mehretu, Julie, 48
and time, 13
and unconscious, 12
metaphysics, 21
and ideology, 22
Miller, Jacques-Alain, xii–xiii
and dissolution of École Freudienne, 2
Miller, John, 91–2
Milner, Jean-Claude, xiii, 25
minor/minority, xv–xvi
artists excavate, 60
modernism, 33
altermodern, 49
Morelli, Giovanni, 52–4
Moretti, Nanni, Sogni d’Oro, 25
Mouffe, Chantal, xiii
multiplicity, 47
necessity, 42
and chance, 39
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 60
Nochlin, Linda, L’Atelier, 78, 80
nominalism, 37–8
Noonan, David, 61
Nouveau Réalisme (art group), 54–5
Olesen, Henrik, 59
origin, 11–3, 26, 34, 41
and Dick (author), 13
and history, 35
See also history
Orozco, Gabriel, 93–4
outside, nonexistence of, 18
painting, 30–1, 33, 38–9, 53, 72, 76–7, 91
and history, 45–6
and ideology, 80
and realism, 79, 81
and waste, 82
paranoia See madness
Parreno, Philippe, 92
Pascal, Blaise, 66
Perret, Mai-Thu, 59, 61
phantasmagoria, 63, 69–74, 95
and ideology, 73
world as, 44
as battlefield, 36, 56
and class struggle, 22
and madness, 20, 27
photography, 75, 77, 87
Picasso, Pablo, 29
Pieroth, Kirsten, 59
new contract with, vii
See also world
Plender, David, 61
politics, 35
and art, ix–x, xiv, 43–4, 68
and exclusion, xi
popular culture See cultural studies
postcolonial theory, xv, 24, 26, 41
potlatch, 85
Potter, Andrew, 21
pragmatism, ideology of, 67–8
precarity, 43
progress, 34, 46
proletariat, 92
expanded definition of, viii, xi
failures of, 69
and history, 25
Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph, 78
psychoanalysis, 32
Althusser on, 8–9, 63–4
critique of, 6, 8
raw material for, 54
psychology, as by-product of ideology, 63
Raad, Walid, 59
ragpicker, xi, 55, 57–8, 61, 72–3
and contemporary art, 55
Rancière, Jacques, xii
Althusser’s Lesson, xiii
on art and politics, 44
real, 32
cemented in ideology, 68
ideology as biased representation of, 44
and reality, 75–6
and simulacra, 35
and unconscious, 32
and art, x, 79
and Courbet, 87
and ideal, 73, 79–80
and ideology, 79
and painting, 79, 81
and reality, 76
two kinds of, 77–8
realist movement, 78
realist thinking, ix–x
and art, 27, 42–3, 75–6
and materialism, 21
and real, 75–6
and realism, 76
Renaissance humanism, 46
repression, xi
Rhoades, Jason, 48
Rosset, Clément, 21
Rotella, Mimo, 55
rudology, 86
Russell, Bertrand, 38
Rytman, Hélène, xiii
Seers, Lindsay, 61
semionautic, 47
Seurat, Georges, 91
Shaw, Jim, 48
simulacra, 35
Singer, Bryan, The Usual Suspects, 14
sinthome, 27
Situationist International, 86–7
Smithson, Robert, 51
spectral dance, viii–ix, 70
storytelling, 18–9
and Courbet, 81
and ideology, 18–9, 21
and materialism, 81
subject/subjectivity, 63
and capitalism, 68
and history, 18, 20
and ideology, 64–6
surrealism, 86–7
Sze, Sarah, 48
Taylor, Frederick Winslow, 5
thermodynamics, ix
Thévoz, Michel, 31
/> thought, and madness, 15
Tillman, Wolfgang, 59
and art, 51
asterochronic reading, 52
and Dick (author), 19
free, 91
heterochrony, 47, 60
industrial mastery of, 5
labour/leisure, 91
and memory, 13
progress of humanity, 34
Tiravanija, Rirkrit, 92
Torrés, Mario Garcia, 61
Twelve Monkeys (movie), 37
unconscious, 57, 63, 74
and art, 8
definition of, 70
as factory, 5–8
and ideology, 64–5
and memory, 12
and real, 32
structured like language, 26
use/useful/uselessness, 84–6
The Usual Suspects (movie), 14
Vattimo, Gianni, xvi
Villeglé, Jacques de la, 54–5
Virilio, Paul, xvi
Vô, Danh, 59, 61
Vonna-Mitchell, Tris, 61
WALL-E (movie), 96
Warburg, Aby, 58
Atlas Mnemosyne, 49–51, 53
Warhol, Andy, 88
and art, 27, 60, 82, 85, 87, 94, 96
and belatedness, 97
centrality of, 86
and contemporary art, 55, 95
dream of activity without, 7–8
and energy, vii, ix
and exform, x
expansion of, viii
inconceivability of, 93, 95
question of, 96
and usefulness, 84, 92
Welles, Orson, The Magnificent Ambersons, 33
Williams, Raymond, 23
Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 37
work, undesirable, viii
working-through, 4
world, 37–8
as phantasmagoria, 44
planet, vii
precarity of, and art, 43
Zarka, Raphaël, 60
Žižek, Slavoj, xii, 20, 39, 67